Descoperă șabloane de e-mail eficiente pentru a anunța creșterea prețurilor. Află cum să comunici clar motivele și să subliniezi valoarea adăugată pentru a menține fidelitatea clienților. Include 7 șabloane pentru diferite scenarii B2B.
Creșterile de preț sunt o parte inevitabilă a creșterii fiecărei companii, atât în sectoarele B2C, cât și în cele B2B. Trecerea printr-o creștere a prețului fără pierderea clienților actuali este o provocare în special pentru majoritatea afacerilor B2B. Modul în care vă informați utilizatorii despre o creștere a prețului produsului sau serviciului dvs. poate avea un impact asupra faptului dacă aleg să rămână loiali față de marca dvs. sau încep să caute alternative de cost mai mici. Mai jos sunt câteva dintre cele mai bune practici, împreună cu 7 șabloane de e-mail pentru creșteri de preț pe care le puteți utiliza atunci când veți anunța clienții dvs.
First of all, thank you for being a loyal and consistent [Company name] customer over the years. Your satisfaction means a lot to us, and we hope we’ve been successful in providing you excellent customer service/products.
I’m writing to let you know that due to [reasons for the price increase], we are going to be raising our prices on [product/ service]. The price is changing from [amount] a month, to [amount], a month starting [date].
Our new prices will allow us to better serve you and our future customers! If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is more than happy to help in any way.
Thanks again for your business, we appreciate it.
Thank you for choosing [Product name] and for your trust in [Company name]. I am writing to let you know that there are some pricing changes coming into effect soon.
We had to review our pricing strategy due to [reason]. We want to make sure that [Product name] is always as useful and efficient as possible for our customers – that’s why introducing [new feature 1] and [new feature 2] is our first priority at the moment.
To make this happen, we are increasing the subscription fees by 10%. It also means that [Product name] will have even more perks for [customer’s goal of using the product], such as:
Benefit 1
Benefit 2
Benefit 3
If you need some time to decide whether you want to commit to the new pricing plan, you have the chance to do so. For the next [period of time], you can use [Product name] for its standard rate. We will launch the new plans on [date].
Feel free to reach out at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
We’re excited to see that you’ve [achieved specific results] with [Product/ Service name]. Your success is also our success and we’re glad you’re reaching your goals with our product/ service.
To ensure great results for customers like you, we’ll be increasing our rates slightly due to [reason] and changing our subscription prices to reflect the services our customers need the most starting from [date]. You can see the updated plans and new pricing here: link
As one of our most amazing customers, we also wanted to extend our current rates to you through [date].
If you have any questions about the price increase or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime via [email address] or live chat. Our customer care team will be more than happy to help.
Thank you for your business, we appreciate it!
Thank you so much for being our customer. Hopefully your holiday season is off to a great start.
Ours sure is … [Company] is turning [number] years old this year and we’re scaling our team to accelerate [Product] innovation. So I wanted to share what we’ve got planned for the first half of 2021!
We’ll be introducing 5 new integrations by [date], including integrations with [Tool 1], [Tool 2] and [Tool 3]. They will be available to all users on all paid plans.
One of the most-requested and long-awaited features is set for release next month! Yes, we’re finally launching [feature name] – a better way to [achieve specific goals]. Yes, we’re just as excited as you are!
To make sure we continue offering the best service we can, we will be increasing our pricing by a minimum of 10%. This small increase will let us hire new talent and bring even more features/tools to help you supercharge your [sales/ marketing/ customer service] faster.
That said, we’ll be emailing you Friday with new pricing details and a special offer for your current plan.
As always, we’re happy to hear how you are enjoying our tool and how you would make it even better. Feel free to reach out at any time with your feedback or questions.
Have a fantastic 2021,
Despite the world’s current situation, 2020 was a great year for us and I’m happy to let you know that we’re growing our team size, as well as focusing on developing a host of new features that have been long-awaited by our customers.
In 2021 our prices are increasing by a minimum of 10% as of [date]. You can see the new plans and pricing here. And, as you’re already a customer of ours, I wanted to make sure that our price increase is as fair as possible.
So, here’s the deal you might want to take advantage of. If you’ve been thinking of upgrading to an annual subscription, you can get 10% off and enjoy a whole year of service at old prices. If you don’t want to commit to a whole year – only for the next two weeks you can prepay for up to 6 months in advance at the current price. Save before it’s too late!
Thank you so much for your support throughout the year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, we’re here to help. Just hit reply or open up the chat box on any [Company] page.
Just for your information, starting from [date] we’ll be introducing new pricing plans that will better reflect the needs of our customers while also allowing us to keep improving [Product name] and implementing new features.
As a free plan user, the changes will not affect you, but I thought you might want to know that if you purchase any paid plan by [date], you can keep the current pricing forever (as long as you stay subscribed).
If you’ve been looking for a sign to [achieve whatever your product does] – this must be it!
If you have any questions or issues, simply hit reply and I’ll do my best to help!
Have a great day,
I’m reaching out today regarding [Product/ Service name] pricing. These types of notes are never fun to write, so I’ll start off with the good news.
If you currently have an account with [Product/ Service name], your subscription price will not be changing – we are going to honor your current price point forever! Think of it as an early-user discount.
Next, for the sort-of-good news. If you sign up for a new subscription before [date], you’ll still get the current pricing, forever. That means you have a month before the deadline to sign up and to lock in your price at the current rate. We hope you’ll take advantage of that.
Finally, the kind-of-good, kind-of-bad news. [Company name] has been growing (which is great), but we don’t want to compromise on the quality of [Product/ Service name] our customers have come to expect. To ensure our customer service remains excellent, we’re going to be getting some help. So, for new subscribers (beginning [date]), we’re raising the subscription rates to [amount].
If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. Thanks, as always, for being awesome, and for using [Product/ Service name].
Lungimea ideală a unui e-mail de creștere a prețului este de câteva propoziții dacă modificările sunt minore și planificate. Poate fi necesară o explicație mult mai lungă dacă modificările sunt foarte semnificative sau dacă sunt neplanificate.
Puteți utiliza un e-mail ca notificare formală pentru a anunța clienții despre creștere. Mai mult, utilizați-l ca o oportunitate de a crește fidelizarea clienților oferindu-le o reducere pentru efectuarea achiziției acum.
Vă puteți informa clienții despre creșterea prețului într-o scrisoare personală, unde includeți lista tuturor prețurilor serviciilor dvs., inclusiv creșterea prețului și data la care va avea loc creșterea prețului. Cu toate acestea, ar trebui să explicați temeinic motivul creșterii prețului și să vă asigurați că această creștere a prețului este rezonabilă.
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Șabloane de e-mail de vânzare promoțională a produselor
Descoperă șabloane de e-mail promoționale pentru a-ți crește vânzările și atrage noi clienți. Află strategii de marketing digital și personalizează-ți campaniile pentru a obține rezultate maxime. Vizitează pagina noastră pentru șabloane profesionale de e-mail și linii de subiect care vor transforma comunicarea ta cu clienții!
Șabloane de răspuns la întrebări din social media despre produse/servicii
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team