Șabloanele de e-mail promoționale gratuite de la LiveAgent îmbunătățesc campaniile de vânzări prin oferte speciale și fidelizare. E-mailul rămâne cel mai eficient canal de vânzări, având un ROI ridicat și o rată de conversie superioară altor canale.
În ciuda creșterii rapide a rețelelor de socializare și a altor canale de marketing digital, e-mailul rămâne cel mai puternic și mai eficient instrument de vânzări și marketing, care depășește orice alt canal. De fapt, cu un potențial de rentabilitate a investiției de până la 4400%, marketingul prin e-mail s-a dovedit a fi cea mai bună modalitate de a atrage și de a păstra clienții atât pentru întreprinderile mici, cât și pentru organizațiile mari. Următoarele statistici privind marketingul prin e-mail demonstrează clar că succesul eforturilor dvs. de vânzare depinde în mare măsură de faptul dacă și cum utilizați e-mailul în strategia dvs. de marketing digital.
De ce e-mailul rămâne cel mai bun canal de vânzări
10 șabloane de e-mail pentru echipa dvs. de vânzări și marketing
Utilizarea șabloanelor de e-mail gata făcute vă poate ușura munca și vă poate crește performanța. Iată 10 șabloane de bază pentru e-mailuri de vânzări pe care le puteți adapta în funcție de industrie, produs, client sau prospect. De la prospectarea la rece și succedare la captivarea bazei dvs. de clienți existenți cu diferite tipuri de e-mailuri promoționale – aceste șabloane pot fi un punct de plecare excelent pentru propriile dvs. campanii de marketing prin e-mail de asistență și comunicări de vânzări outbound.
Email de primire a lead-urilor
You recently visited our website and [action took on website]. I was wondering whether you were trying to figure out how you might [business solution]?
This inspired me to spend a few minutes on your site to gain a better understanding of how [Company] can help you [achieve specific goals].
We are working with similar companies in your industry, helping them [accomplish …]. Would it make sense to talk for 10 minutes this week? Please also feel free to book time directly onto my calendar here: [link].
Hope to hear from you,
E-mail de prezentare a vânzărilor promoționale
I checked out your website, and it looks like you might be trying to [accomplish specific goals]. If you’re unfamiliar with [Company], we are working with similar companies in your industry, such as [competition], helping them accomplish three major goals:
[Goal #1]
[Goal #2]
[Goal #3]
If this is something you’re challenged with too, l would love to introduce you to [Product] to see if it meets your requirements. Would you have 10 minutes this week for a Zoom call?
P.S. If you’re not the right person to speak with, who do you recommend I talk to?
E-mail de urmărire a prospectului
Hope all is well. I trust that you have had an opportunity to read my previous email and look at our website, so I figured it’d be worth checking in with you again.
Have you given any additional thought to our proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any questions you may have.
If it makes sense to talk, please let me know how your calendar looks. If not, who is the appropriate person for me to talk to?
Look forward to hearing from you,
E-mail de lansare a unui produs nou
We’re thrilled to let you know that [Company] has just launched our new [Product name]!
In the last few months, we’ve been tirelessly working to make it valuable for our customers and we believe that [Product name] will help you enjoy your experience with [Company] even more.
If you’ve been struggling with [Issues this product solves], [Product name] would be a big help. If you’re interested in learning more about it, feel free to reach out. You can also find out more about it on our website here: [link].
Let us know if you have any questions or want to talk more.
E-mail privind programul de fidelizare
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new [Name of loyalty program]. We’ve created lots of exciting and exclusive rewards to say thank you to our amazing customers, like you!
Earn 1 point for every $ you spend [online and/or in-store] to unlock exclusive rewards.
[Reward Title 1] – [100] points to redeem
[Reward Title 2] – [200] points to redeem
[Reward Title 3] – [300] points to redeem
There are also lots of other ways to earn loyalty points with us. You can earn points for [joining / completing your profile/ following us on social media/ referring friends, etc.].
Join Our Loyalty Program/ Learn More
E-mail de vânzare ascendentă
I hope your [year] is off to a great start!
We noticed that you’ve been paying for a monthly [Product/Service] subscription, and we’re grateful to be able to help you [accomplish your business goals]. I’m writing today with a small tip on how you can get the same set of features at a lower price.
By switching to annual billing, you’ll bring your monthly costs down from $ X to $ Y. There’s no lock-in contract or any obligations. If you decide to switch back or cancel your subscription at any point, we’ll be happy to refund you for any unused time.
Switch to Annual Billing and Save X %
If you have any questions or need any help at all, don’t hesitate to reach out.
E-mail de actualizare a ofertei
As a valued [Company] customer, you’re invited to enjoy a free, one-month upgrade to [Product] Premium. Activate your free upgrade with no risk, no commitment, and no credit card input. With [Product] Premium, you can:
Benefit 1
Benefit 2
Benefit 3
And much more!
Upgrade to Premium Now
Your account will be upgraded instantly, and you’ll enjoy full access to premium features for a full month. Join thousands of users who have discovered the difference [Product] Premium makes to their [business/ daily productivity, etc.].
Best regards,
E-mail cu ofertă cu ocazia zilei de naștere a clientului
It’s your birthday today! Celebrate with a little extra something on us.
As a small birthday treat, we are giving you 50% off your next purchase for the rest of the month. Make sure to enter your unique code below at checkout. But hurry – it’s only valid till the end of the month!
Best wishes from all of us at [Company]!
E-mail cu ofertă de vacanță
The holidays are fast approaching and will be here before you know it! At [Company], we’ve got something for everyone this year. Get your holiday list in check and take advantage of our incredible deals this week:
Shop our Holiday deals here
Bonus: Spend $XX or more on [products] and receive a FREE [product] as a gift with your purchase!
Happy holidays!
E-mail de promoție de Black Friday
Are you as excited as we are for Black Friday?
To celebrate the holidays and eating turkey, we’re running our biggest sale yet. Starting at midnight Thanksgiving day, we’re opening up 50% OFF our hottest products!
Hurry, the sale ends Sunday at midnight. Keep in mind that stock is limited and it’s on a first-come, first-served basis!
Grab the Offers
Don’t want to miss out? Click here to join our special Black Friday email list to be among the first to get notified when our sales happen (and when stock is getting low).
Until then, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!
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LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated help desk software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try it today with our free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Șabloane de e-mail de marketing
Descoperiți 10 șabloane de e-mail de marketing gata de utilizare de la LiveAgent, esențiale pentru creșterea vânzărilor și fidelizarea clienților. Personalizați și îmbunătățiți campaniile de marketing cu șabloane pentru achiziție, post-cumpărare și multe altele. Explorați-le acum pentru un ROI sporit!
Șabloane de e-mail de vânzare promoțională a produselor
Descoperă șabloane de e-mail promoționale pentru a-ți crește vânzările și atrage noi clienți. Află strategii de marketing digital și personalizează-ți campaniile pentru a obține rezultate maxime. Vizitează pagina noastră pentru șabloane profesionale de e-mail și linii de subiect care vor transforma comunicarea ta cu clienții!
Șabloane de e-mail de apreciere a clienților
Descoperiți șabloane gratuite de e-mail de apreciere a clienților pe LiveAgent pentru a stimula loialitatea și satisfacția. Personalizați comunicările și întăriți relațiile cu clienții, folosind șabloane pentru diverse ocazii. Vizitați acum și îmbunătățiți strategia de apreciere a clienților!
Șabloane de e-mail privind coș de cumpărături abandonat
Descoperiți șabloane de e-mail eficiente pentru coșuri abandonate, minimizați pierderile și încurajați achizițiile!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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