Interacționați cu clienții dvs. fără efort pe toate canalele. LiveAgent, software-ul de call center omnicanal bazat pe cloud, este tot ce aveți nevoie pentru a oferi servicii fiabile și personalizate clienților dvs.
Sistemul nostru de telefonie pentru call center VoIP (voice over internet protocol) este echipat cu funcții avansate, cum ar fi IVR, solicitări de apel înapoi, ACD, rutare inteligentă a apelurilor, transferuri de apeluri, înregistrare nelimitată a apelurilor și apeluri video HD – și acesta este doar începutul.
00:00 / 02:02
Soluțiile software pentru centrele de apeluri sunt sisteme care permit agenților din centrele de apeluri să gestioneze apelurile de intrare și de ieșire. Aceste soluții sunt ideale pentru o gestionare mai personală a relațiilor cu clienții și pentru furnizarea de asistență rapidă pentru clienți.
00:00 / 04:39
Experimentați caracteristicile noastre cheie cu o versiune de încercare gratuită LiveAgent și vedeți cum este să furnizați servicii profesionale cu soluția noastră. Vedeți cât de ușor este să înființați un call center, să adăugați numere VoIP sau să configurați IVR cu instrumentul nostru puternic
Instrumentul nostru pentru centrele de contact vă poate ajuta să creați cea mai bună platformă de implicare a clienților și să vă ajutați să creșteți loialitatea clienților. Arătați clienților dvs. un suport uimitor cu soluția noastră de help desk și rezolvați rapid problemele care necesită mult timp.
Depășiți așteptările clienților
Our contact center tool can help you create the ultimate customer engagement platform, and help you increase customer loyalty. Show your customers amazing support with our help desk solution and solve time intensive issues fast.
Go above customer expectations
Gestionați cu ușurință operațiunile centrului de asistență pentru clienți datorită soluției noastre all-in-one. Aduceți productivitatea centrului dvs. de apeluri la cel mai înalt nivel și îmbunătățiți calitatea interacțiunilor cu clienții cu LiveAgent.
Funcții puternice care vă ajută să îmbunătățiți comunicarea prin telefon și să oferiți experiențe excepționale clienților.
Centrul de apeluri LiveAgent se integrează cu peste 99% dintre furnizorii VoIP cu SIP Trunk. Nu regăsiți partenerul VoIP preferat? Contactați-ne și vom fi bucuroși să îl adăugăm la lista noastră. Aflați mai multe
Soluții rapide
Call center-ul LiveAgent este ușor de configurat și ușor de utilizat. Datorită integrării complete cu sistemul nostru de ticketing, puteți efectua și răspunde mai rapid la apeluri. Timpul mediu de contactare scurt vă poate ajuta să rezolvați problemele mult mai repede.
Timpul mediu de acces
Integrați software-ul dvs. de ticketing pe mai multe canale cu aplicațiile pe care le utilizați zilnic. Avem peste 150 de integrări disponibile prin intermediul plugin-urilor.
O mai bună acoperire
Apelurile sunt încă una dintre cele mai populare modalități de contacta birourile de asistență, ceea ce face ca apelurile să fie una dintre cele mai rapide modalități de a vă satisface clienții. Obțineți unul dintre cele mai populare canale de comunicare cu clienții și ajungeți la mai mulți clienți.
50 %
din toți clienții efectuează apeluri
Jumătate din baza dvs. de clienți ar putea aștepta opțiunea de a vă suna în loc să trimită e-mailuri. Chiar și câteva linii telefonice pot îmbunătăți satisfacția clienților.
Serviciu de calitate
Rezolvați problemele la nivel personal prin conversații reale și înțelegere. Convorbirile telefonice vă pot ajuta să vă ocupați de clienți la un alt nivel, permițându-vă în același timp să evitați conversațiile lungi prin e-mail. De asemenea, puteți utiliza apelurile video.
70 %
Obțineți software-ul de call center în cloud care vă aduce cea mai mare valoare. Comparați caracteristicile și prețurile pentru utilizator pe lună cu ajutorul calculatorului nostru de prețuri.
Încercați tot ceea ce avem de oferit cu o perioadă de încercare gratuită de 30 zile
Integrare, automatizare, inovare
Software-ul de call center LiveAgent este conform cu GDPR, criptat HTTPS și a trecut cu succes auditul de verificare Google OAuth API.
Software-ul nostru de call center voip bazat pe cloud rulează pe o conexiune securizată folosind protocolul HTTPS. Toate comunicațiile dintre browserul dvs. și centrul de contact în cloud sunt criptate, inclusiv chat-urile live, apelurile către call center și comunicarea prin e-mail.
Serverele LiveAgent sunt găzduite în facilități conforme cu Tier III+ sau IV sau PCI DSS, SSAE-16 sau ISO 27001. Facilitățile centrelor noastre de date se află într-un perimetru securizat, cu zone de securitate pe mai multe niveluri, securitate cu personal 24 de ore din 24, 7 zile din 7, supraveghere video CCTV, identificare multifactorială și multe altele.
Rețeaua noastră este protejată de firewall-uri redundante, cea mai bună tehnologie de rutere din clasa sa, transport HTTPS securizat pe rețelele publice și tehnologii de detectare și/sau prevenire a intruziunilor în rețea (IDS/IPS) care monitorizează și/sau blochează traficul malițios și atacurile de rețea.
Integrările noastre pregătite vă pot ajuta să deveniți social și să oferiți o experiență personalizată clienților pe canalele sociale importante. Sistemul nostru de ticketing suportă integrări perfecte cu Facebook, Instagram și Twitter. Puteți gestiona chiar și comunicarea prin text cu integrarea noastră Viber.
Oferiți o experiență excepțională clienților cu ajutorul chat-ului nostru live. Este unul dintre cele mai rapide widget-uri de chat în timp real disponibile și poate fi integrat cu ușurință în site-urile dvs. web. Construiți relații semnificative cu clienții și transformați vizitatorii web în clienți. Chat-ul nostru vă poate ajuta să reduceți timpii de gestionare și poate deveni un instrument valoros în orice spațiu de lucru al agenților.
Îmbogățiți spațiul centrului dvs. de contact cu o bază de cunoștințe cuprinzătoare. Creați cu ușurință articole utile, secțiuni de informații și ghiduri DIY pentru clienții care preferă să caute singuri soluții. Oferiți răspunsuri la întrebări frecvente cu ajutorul întrebărilor frecvente sau creați forumuri unde oamenii pot intra în contact pentru asistență cu agenții sau cu alți clienți.
Gestionați cu ușurință operațiunile de serviciu clienți datorită unui sistem de ticketing de ultimă generație. Toate canalele digitale sunt conectate, astfel încât să puteți vedea cu ușurință toate conversațiile cu clienții într-un singur loc. Folosiți etichete pentru a păstra tichetele organizate, lăsați note pentru dvs. sau pentru alți agenți și creați departamente responsabile pentru anumite întrebări.
In the realm of customer service, having reliable call center solution software can be a key to your success. In the following article, we’re going to have a look at the ins and outs of various call center platforms and systems, so you can decide which one is the best for you.
Call center software is, first and foremost, a call management tool that automates the flow of incoming and outgoing calls.
The quality of call center support you provide is closely tied to the quality of the call center system you use.
This type of software usually facilitates the following operations:
Of course, these are not all of the call center operations this type of software enables. Most of the automated call center software out there has additional capabilities like call recording, providing analytics, power dialer, etc.
Call center software allows your customers to reach the customer care department as well as members of your sales team and talk to them in real-time. Although some may argue that in this modern age there are other ways to contact a business, the fact is that 50% of customers of different age groups still use phones to resolve their inquiries.
All customer-centric businesses are aware that providing a superior customer experience is what drives conversion, helps close deals, and reduces customer churn. Reliable call center software aids in this department tremendously. It allows your customer service agents to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently while providing a high level of personalized service.
Having your callcenter solution integrated with other business apps will streamline the operations of your call center. And in turn, you will boost your KPIs, increase conversions, enhance customer retention, and provide better service.
Every call center uses some type of call center system regardless of if it is only for its computer telephony integration (CTI) feature to make and receive calls, or for the modern automated experience.
As the contact center software market continues to grow and evolve, different contact centers have different needs and requirements for call center applications. Therefore, it’s crucial that you carry out research and evaluate which call center software solution is the one that will benefit your business the most.
Because call centers can be so diverse, there are various types of call center software to accommodate everybody’s needs.
Following are the call center solutions based on how their technologies get stored:
And these are the call center solution types based on their operations:
Let’s have a look at some of the benefits a call center system can bring to your business.
The truth of the matter is that picking up a phone and talking to an expert is way quicker and easier than writing long emails trying to come to a solution. Customers appreciate their inquiries resolved quickly without the need to wait hours, sometimes days, for a response from your customer service team. Sprinkle in a bit of personalized care and friendliness from the staff, and you’re looking at satisfied customers who look forward to doing business with you again.
Did you know that engaged customers buy 90% more frequently and are willing to spend more per transaction? Reliable call center software helps keep your clients satisfied and engaged with your business.
With call center agent software, you’re paying a lower price for a robust set of features. You can easily operate a 24/7 contact center handled entirely by a remote team of customer care reps.
Working hand-in-hand with other business applications, call center software enables you to always stay on top of your customer interactions, solutions to their issues, and more. It helps your team stay organized and focused even on busy days.
It’s necessary to keep up a professional, but still friendly image. It allows you to build relationships with your customers and even boosts the word of mouth marketing.
Various call center software can be connected to email, live chat, SMS, social media, and more to help you provide a holistic customer experience.
Not only can you provide a 24/7 service, but also advanced features like interactive voice response (IVR), automatic call distribution (ACD), automatic callback, skill-based routing, and predictive dialer boost the productivity of your contact center agents.
Keeping customer data safe is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. Most call center software provides integrated security features and performs actions like instant cloud backup.
Call center metrics like average handle time (AHT), first contact resolution rate, call abandonment rate, average hold time, and many others are directly correlated to the call center phone software you use. For example, thanks to your call center system being connected to customer relationship management (CRM), the first contact resolution rate in call centers is between 70-75%.
The more insights you can get, the better. Providing advanced analytics and reports allows you to study call center performance, agent utilization, the average speed of answer, and others. This not only helps you optimize your call center operations but also identifies any outliers among your agents.
To be able to identify the top call center software for you, it is recommended to write a list of needs and requirements for your contact center solution.
Do you want to add phone support to your contact options? Are phone interactions a primary way to contact your business? Do you plan on expanding your call center in the future?
Ask yourself as many questions as you can come up with. It will help you make more educated decisions and choose call center software that will truly encompass all your business needs.
Following are some strategies that you can use when picking the call center management software for you.
Nobody expects to run into issues, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. When choosing call center software, go for one that has reliable customer support that can quickly solve any potential issues. Keep in mind that if you’re waiting for the provider’s support, your customers may be waiting for yours.
Have a really good look into how robust the security features are. You don’t want to underestimate the importance of keeping all private information and customer data safe and secure.
It’s only natural that when your business grows, so does the volume of customer interactions. Pick a call center system that you can scale up or down based on your needs so you can expand your business without having to worry about insufficient call center capabilities.
No software is perfect. There are some limitations you will have to deal with, no matter how robust or expensive the software you choose is. Maybe it’s missing a customizable popular feature you’d like to explore. Or maybe the fact that there is no real-time monitoring of phone calls is a problem for you. Decide which software limitations are dealbreakers and which ones you can learn to live with.
In a contact center environment, your team has to be able to work together seamlessly. When choosing call software, look at the features that facilitate collaboration. How easy it is to transfer a call from one agent to another? Are they able to share internal notes and make internal calls or send internal messages? Features like these tend to get overlooked but they affect contact centers’ productivity more than people realize.
Your day-to-day operations in call centers greatly depend on how reliable the network you use is. Don’t forget to check the network reliability of the contact center software you consider purchasing.
Being able to provide a unified experience to your customers is what makes a difference. Offering a great integration capability is what makes it possible for your software to connect with different sites so you can create a smooth and consistent experience for your clients.
Best call center software for businesses in the fields of eCommerce, Insurance, SaaS, etc. that look toward future expansion.
LiveAgent is a helpdesk solution used by over 40 000 customers around the world that provides reliable call center software and many other advanced features. With multiple automation options and a large number of available integrations, you will never struggle to provide excellent customer service.
Some of the most known customers of this software include industry giants like Forbes, Huawei, Nascar, BMW, and Yamaha.
LiveAgent offers a completely free version. Although, if you want to take advantage of its additional features, you can choose from three pricing options, including $9, $29, and $49 a month. The last option includes excellent call center capabilities.
Before committing to one of the paid plans, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial, so you can explore what you’ll be getting.
Best call center software for businesses of all sizes.
RingCentral contact center is a cloud-based solution that offers a robust set of features all contained within one convenient app. With well-known customers across all industries, you can be sure that you will receive the best quality service.
Among RingCentral’s customers, you can find Bennett International, Lush Cosmetics, and Chatterkick.
You can pay for RingCentral’s services either monthly or annually. Starting at $14.99 a month, you can get the essentials including unlimited calling in US and Canada. For more advanced features, you can opt for plans including $20.99, $26.24, and $37.49 per month.
You can try RingCentral contact center for free if you sign up for their 15-day free trial. You can extend this period by taking advantage of a 30-day risk-free money-back guarantee.
Best call center software for all companies looking for an easy-to-use cloud call center solution.
You can be one of the over 70 000 customers worldwide that trust Genesys with their contact center operations.
Genesys is trusted by many businesses including Xerox, Uplift, and Heineken Mexico.
You can start using Genesys at a price point of $75 per agent per month and then upgrade to plans costing $110 and $150. All of these pricing options are billed annually.
You can try Genesys for free with their 30-day free trial.
Evaluate Genesys alternatives
Best call center software for mid-sized companies that are aiming for growth.
CloudTalk offers over 70 advanced calling features. This call center software is typically used for sales and outbound calling with many advanced features like skills-based routing, automation, and unlimited call queues.
CloudTalk boasts a large client base including DHL, Yves Rocher, and Rosenberg.
CloudTalk offers three pricing plans including $25, $30, and $50. You can also contact their team and request a custom pricing plan, so it fits your exact needs.
You can sign up for a 14-day free trial to get acquainted with its capabilities.
Best call center software for growing teams in businesses across all industries.
HubSpot offers its extensive services to over 100 000 businesses across more than 120 countries, so you can be sure that this well-established software provider will take good care of your business operations.
HubSpot’s worldwide customer base includes companies like DocPlanner, SoundCloud, and GoFundMe.
Some of HubSpot’s standard features are available for free. However, you can subscribe to HubSpot Service Hub’s paid software for €41, €414, or €1104 a month. However, these prices are flexible due to set-up and onboarding fees.
If you’d like to try it out, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial.
Look into HubSpot alternatives.
Best call center software for businesses ready to transfer from on-premise solutions to the cloud.
Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Center uses the power of practical artificial intelligence (AI) to boost customer satisfaction rates for more than 2000 clients.
Among Five9’s customers, you can find businesses including Zevas, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Bakkt.
Five9 offers four pricing plans consisting of $149, $169, $199, and $229 billed monthly.
Best call center software for smaller and mid-sized businesses committed to delivering the best customer service.
Zendesk provides call center software that is fully integrated with their helpdesk platform. With its large client base, you can rest assured that Zendesk will take care of your call center needs.
Modsy, BoxyCharm, and Vimeo are some of the clients that use Zendesk’s software.
Zendesk offers three pricing options consisting of $19, $49, and $99 per month per user billed annually.
If you’d like to test it out, you can sign up for their 30-day free trial.
Check out Zendesk alternatives.
Best call center software for companies employing a minimum of 5 agents looking to improve relationships with their customers.
Talkdesk’s cloud-based call center software offers 25+ integrations with various business tools to help boost your sales and provide excellent customer support.
Across all industries, clients like ClickPay, Canon, and Accenture rely on Talkdesk’s software.
Besides their custom pricing plan, Talkdesk has three options to choose from including $75, $95, and $125 per user per month.
If you’d like to have a look at their software before purchasing it, you can sign up for a free trial.
Best call center software for large enterprises that put customer experience and team collaboration at the forefront.
Vonage offers 40+ business features that will make your calls and video conferences easy to manage.
Many businesses like Key Travel, Cambly, and Apptivo use Vonage’s products and services.
Vonage offers pricing plans for their customers, starting at $19.99, $29.99, and $39.99 per line per month plus taxes and fees.
You can also try it out for free when you sign up for Vonage’s 14-day free trial.
Best call center software for companies across all industries aiming to provide an amazing customer experience.
Freshdesk is an established platform in the field of customer support with over 50 000 customers worldwide.
Some of the Freshdesk’s clients include Netflix, Evernote, and Optimum Financial Solutions.
To use Freshdesk’s core features, sign up for their free plan. If you’d like to experience a full range of the software’s capabilities, you can opt for €15, €39, or €49 agent/month plans.
Furthermore, you can try Freshdesk during a 21-day free trial.
Review Freshdesk alternatives.
Best call center software for businesses that strive to deepen connections with their customers.
Avaya is a cloud-based software solution that will make your virtual conferences truly enjoyable.
You may recognize some of Avaya’s customers, including Datamark, Fiber Industries, and
If you’re considering subscribing to Avaya’s services, contact their sales representatives and get a pricing plan made for you.
Best call center software for businesses of all sizes aiming to boost growth.
CallHippo helps over 5000 companies worldwide provide the best customer service to their customers.
Among businesses that use CallHippo, you can find Brioso Technologies, Aspire, and Altvalora.
CallHippo offers four pricing plans you can choose from including €15, €22, €36, and €45 per user per month. You can also purchase further add-ons.
Best call center software for a wide range of companies who want to cut their telco costs while keeping high levels of customer satisfaction.
3CX is trusted by more than 600 000 companies across all industries, so you can be sure you will be in good hands.
3CX has many different customers including Toyota, Wilson, and American Express.
You can use some of 3CX’s software features free of charge. However, if you’d like to take advantage of their more advanced features, you can sign up for one of the following plans: €150, €235, or €270 for their hosted option. If you’d like to use the self-managed solution, you can pay €135, or €170.
The first year of using 3CX’s software is considered a free trial period.
Evaluate 3CX alternatives.
Best call center software for businesses of all sizes which are not afraid of innovation.
Dialpad offers a reliable software solution that offers an automated, yet highly personalized experience.
Dialpad has a large customer base including companies like Fenway Health, Uber, and Clear Capital.
You can use Dialpad’s software for €20, or €25 per user per month, or you can request a custom pricing plan to fit your exact needs.
You can try this software solution for free if you sign up for the 14-day free trial.
Best call center software for small companies with remote teams that want to have effective collaboration.
Bitrix24 is an ideal solution for companies that want to increase their sales whether they are at the office or on the other end of the world. Bitrix24 provides both cloud-based and on-premise solutions so it can fit your business perfectly.
Companies that use Bitrix24’s software include PC Pulse, Cargo, and Compara.
You can experience some of the basic features completely free of charge with Bitrix24’s free plan. However, if you want to take advantage of their additional features, including call center software, you can subscribe to a $39, $79, or $159 per month plan. If you prefer an on-premise system, you can purchase a one-time license costing either $2990 or $24990 for enterprises.
Before committing to any of these paid plans, you can try Bitrix24 using their 30-day free trial.
Look into Bitrix24 alternatives.
Best call center software for all the companies that conduct sales and support through phone.
More than 9000 customers trust Aircall’s cloud-based call center software with their contact center operations.
Among businesses that use Aircall’s software, you can find Avocado, Jobilla, and Birdies.
Aircall’s basic plan starts at €30 per month billed annually. If you’d like to get access to more features, you will pay €50 per month also billed annually. Furthermore, you can contact Aircall and get a custom pricing plan that will fit your needs perfectly.
Before you decide to subscribe to a paid plan, you can try Aircall for free with their 7-day free trial.
Check out Aircall alternatives.
Best call center software for companies of all sizes that need a reliable call center software solution.
Twilio is a customer engagement platform that allows you to provide truly personalized support to your clients.
Some of the well-known companies that use Twilio include DoorDash, Allergan, and Lyft.
Twilio’s pricing to initiate calls starts at 2 cents per minute. To receive calls, the price starts at $1 monthly per phone number and 1 cent per minute.
You can try Twilio for free when you sign up for their 45-day free trial.
Best call center software for businesses of all sizes that strive to provide an amazing experience to their customers.
Dixa allows its customers to provide a truly multi-channel experience to their customers in small or large contact centers.
Some of Dixa’s happy customers include Organic Basics, Rapha, and Too Good To Go.
You can contact Dixa’s sales team to book a demo call and get a customized pricing plan.
However, if you want to try it out, you can sign up for their free trial.
Review Dixa alternatives.
Best call center software for larger businesses that look for a reliable enterprise software solution.
Nextiva offers a reliable and secure call center software system that over 80 000 companies around the world rely on.
You may recognize some of Nextiva’s customers including Taco Bell, Pac-12, and Buffalo Bills.
You can subscribe to one of the three pricing plans Nextiva offers, including $18.95, $22.95, or $32.95 per user per month. All of these options can be billed monthly or annually.
You can try out some of Nextiva’s features by signing up for the 7-day free trial.
Best call center software for companies of all sizes looking to improve relationships with their clients.
Nice CXone empowers its clients to harness the powers of AI and automation to deliver the best customer experience possible.
Nice CXone is trusted by many customers including Columbia Sportswear, Radisson Hotels, and Teleflora.
You can take advantage of Nice CXone’s features starting at $100 per month per feature.
If you’d like to try it out before making a purchase, you can sign up for their 60-day free trial.
Best call center software for mid-sized and large companies that want to bring the best support to their clients.
If you employ at least 50 contact center agents, UJET is an excellent call center software for you.
Among businesses that use UJET’s software, you can find Wag!, Instacart, and Zettle.
UJET’s software is available for purchase for $65, $69, $99, or $120 a month.
If you’d like to try UJET without committing to a paid subscription, you can register for a free trial.
Best call center software for small to mid-sized businesses across all industries.
Ringover is a simple to implement and use software with 40+ business tools that allow you to have all the customer information at hand.
Ringover has over 10 000 clients including Sherpany, Klaxoon, and Clausematch.
You can subscribe to Ringover for €19 or €39 per user per month. If you’d like to get a custom pricing plan, you can contact Ringover’s sales team.
Furthermore, you can try this software solution for free if you sign up for a 7-day free trial.
Best call center software for every business that doesn’t appreciate vendor lock-in.
VICIdial is an open-source contact center software that is used by more than 140 000 customers worldwide.
VICIdial is used by clients like Directo, Homebase, and PROS.
You can use VICIdial’s call center software completely free of charge.
Best call center software for businesses of all sizes in eCommerce and online retail.
Channels is a cloud-based data-powered business phone system that allows you to easily connect with your clients.
Channels is trusted by many customers including Kodakit, InstaForex, and DocPlanner.
Channels allows you to use their essential features, including call center software, free of charge. If you want to take advantage of their advanced options, you can subscribe for $24, or $62 a month.
Before deciding to purchase a paid package, you can sign up for a free trial.
Evaluate Channels alternatives.
Best call center software for larger-scale businesses across all industries located anywhere in the world.
Avoxi has over 20 years of experience in international communications. With its coverage of more than 170 countries, you can be sure that your customers will be able to reach you each time.
You may recognize some of Avoxi’s clients like Moncler, Marriott International, and Black & Decker.
You can start using some of Avoxi’s features for free. However, if you want to take advantage of their further features, you can choose from the following options: $19.99 per user or $39.99 per user.
Moreover, you can get acquainted with Avoxi’s features during the 7-day trial period.
There are many call center software options to choose from. Let’s have a quick look at the top 5.
Call Center software | LiveAgent
Try the top call center software for free! No credit card required.
Genesys | Talk desk | Five9 | UJET |
Capterra rating
Overall software ratings from verified users on Capterra.
(approx. 1k reviews)
(approx. 100+ reviews)
(approx. 600 reviews)
(approx. 400 reviews)
(approx. 100+ reviews)
Web-based |
Free version |
LiveAgent offers free version.
Genesys doesn't offer free version.
Talk desk doesn't offer free version.
Five9 doesn't offer free version.
UJET doesn't offer free version.
Free trial |
LiveAgent offers free trial.
Genesys offers free trial.
Talk desk offers free trial.
Five9 doesn't offer free trial.
UJET offers free trial.
Starting price |
LiveAgent call center software prices start at $49/agent/month.
Genesys call center software prices start at $75/agent/month.
Talk desk's call center software prices start at €75/agent/month.
Five9 call center software prices start at $149/agent/month.
UJET call center software prices start at $65/agent/month.
A demo call is your time and place to ask questions and get first-hand information from the vendor. Although, sometimes it might be a bit overwhelming and you might forget the questions you planned on asking.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
The exact steps and actions depend on the provider of your call center automation software solution, the level of customization they allow, how many integrations you need to set up, and many more.
It could take a person with no prior IT experience half an hour, or it can take an experienced tech-savvy personnel a whole afternoon to configure everything correctly.
The most important, and frankly the only thing you really need to set up LiveAgent call center software is a VoIP number that supports SIP trunking. Although for some it is considered a piece of cake, if you need advice or assistance, our amazing team will help you set everything up.
But if you’d like to delve deep into the process of setting up your call center, – including call center software – you can use our Call center setup checklist to help you stay organized and make sure that you don’t forget anything important.
Although it is difficult to determine the best call center software for each business, the most reliable one is LiveAgent call center software. With its robust set of features, you can be sure that you will not miss anything your business might need either now, or in the future.
LiveAgent’s call center software leaves little to be desired. With each customer interaction, be it a call, a live chat message, or a social media mention converted to a ticket, you don’t need to ever worry that you’ll miss anything. This way, your customers will feel heard and appreciated every time they reach out to you.
If you’re searching for call center software full of amazing features that will take your customer support to the next level, look no further. LiveAgent’s call center software is the right solution for you.
In the category of cost-saving, LiveAgent is a clear winner. Not only does this call center software allow you to make inbound and outbound calls, use automation, harness the power of extensive reports, and increase your conversions, but it is also accessible to all the businesses who want to delight their customers while keeping costs low.
On review sites like Capterra, G2, and TrustRadius, LiveAgent boasts high ratings and great reviews. So if you are the one to listen to the voices of LiveAgent’s clients, you might be on the right path to finding the best call center software for you.
LiveAgent is, no doubt, the way to go if you’re looking for reliable software that is also easy to implement. You can configure, customize, and integrate it in no time without the need to know how to code.
Cel mai bun serviciu de suport
Descoperă secretele unui suport clienți excelent: interacțiuni rapide, relații de încredere și soluții CRM integrate. Începe perioada de încercare!
Software-ul #1 gratuit de bază de cunoștințe
Descoperiți LiveAgent, software-ul gratuit numărul 1 pentru baze de cunoștințe, care simplifică gestionarea informațiilor și îmbunătățește asistența clienților. Beneficiați de configurare rapidă, suport 24/7 și o lună gratuită de testare. Instrumentul nostru vă ajută să creați articole detaliate și să reduceți volumul de tichete, asigurând clienți mai fericiți și suport continuu. Începeți acum cu un cont gratuit!
Serviciul de relații cu clienții
Descoperă cum să creezi relații durabile cu clienții și să crești profitul prin retenție. Află diferența între customer care și customer service!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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